Moving in 2024?
When you list with us you get it all starting with our agents who are as knowledgeable as you will find anywhere for your type of property. We highlight what your property offers beyond its bedrooms and baths, square footage, and appliances - those things listed in MLS. We offer YOUR potential buyers the additional information they want by providing important extra details. You know, the features you've enjoyed - the land and all it has to offer, the barn, indoor and/or facility information, the farm attributes, the trail-laced woodlands, etc. We accomplish this by providing top-notch aerial videos, dazzling interior photos, and viewer-controlled walk-throughs along with our exclusive "Property Details", "Farm Details" and "Facility Details" that connect to your online MLS listing page. Buyers want details before they view a property. They know about this feature and look for this information when they visit us online.
Because we are Realtors® and active MLS members, your local agency and the big franchise companies will have complete access to your property should they have the occasional horse or farm buyer since we share our listings with every other agency to widen the exposure for you. We also offer great listing presentations to your potential buyers, targeted and widespread advertising, and the knowledge to promote what your property has to offer. You'll have the best and most well-rounded exposure possible. We can’t tell you how many times buyers tell us how frustrated they got when looking for listings like ours on general websites because it took too much time to weed out "ordinary" properties. When they found us, they kept coming back because they knew they'd find the farm of their dreams on this site. Then there are the buyers who respond to our strategic social media campaigns, to our well-placed print ads, and our high-ranking Google results.
We reach the buyers that your property needs. Our site visitors are looking for what you have to offer and it is the only reason that they are on our website every day, sometimes several times a day. Other agencies also send their buyer clients to our site for preliminary searches which is a win-win for our listed sellers. How do we know this? Other agents' buyers proudly tell us they found the property on our website when we meet them at a showing. What we do works and how we do it makes your listing stand out. It's all about you.
​Care to join our list of very satisfied sellers? Read our many testimonials and then please contact us for a confidential analysis of your property.
As a very successful "boutique" agency, we invite you to join our long list of very satisfied sellers around New Hampshire! With a healthy market share, our staff of highly-skilled, professional Realtors® AND horsewomen/farm owners are best equipped to promote, present and procure a new owner for your property! Not only do our Seller Clients have good things to say about us and our services but so do their buyers!
​If you own substantial property with acreage, a working farm, a larger horse farm, livestock or an income-producing farm, by virtue of the fact that it requires upkeep and physical work, your buyer market is limited. This has been the case for decades. Most people have no desire to manage a larger property's grounds and perhaps pools, workshops or other onsite structures and features that have been most enjoyable to you. We cater to those very buyers who want what your property has to offer. And we've got our finger on the pulse of the country home, horse facility and farm market at all times.
When you are ready to sell, what you don't want is to be lost in a sea of listings on some big real estate franchise's website as your only means of exposure. These agencies will tell you that they are worldwide. Who isn't? Conversely, you do not want little to no property-specific exposure with one of the community's agencies who run ads in the local paper and say that MLS will bring you potential buyers. That's true to a point but what you really need is to work with an agent who understands your property and who promotes its best features. It makes sense to partner with us.​ We look forward to serving you.
Did You Know?
The horse, farm, and larger country home market is very specific and not as big as you might think. Owners of properties with large acreage, those with working farms or farm businesses, and especially horse owners, large or small, tend to associate with others who have similar interests, therefore, their worlds are filled with like-minded people, making them THINK that the numbers are much larger than they are.
The reality is those who want to own, operate, and maintain one of these properties are minuscule in comparison to the number of people who buy “ordinary” homes.
Whether buying or selling, you can weed out the ordinary right here and with agents who "get it".
Into early 2024, the market is still busy. There are still more buyers than properties for sale, but a number of factors are affecting a transition right now, the most significant being interest rates. Any number of other factors thrown in could bring this still-busy market to a halt. Stock market jitters, even higher interest rates, or a world crisis. Accurately predicting the future is nearly impossible.
Proper pricing is paramount to your move regardless of your location or your property’s value. Inventory is unusually low, keeping prices up. This is good news for any seller but being competitive remains the key to a sale. Market time is increasing. Set your price at market value and two things happen 1. You attract many more potential buyers at the onset and; 2. You gain the best price the market will bear at any given time.
Selling a horse property, farm or country home means cleaning up, cleaning out and refreshing everything from your home to barns and outbuildings, to pools and outdoor living spaces! Your land is one of the factors that will attract buyers to your property so plan on outside details as well.
Read tips and ways to present your property for maximum 'pop' and response.